Friday Oct 4 – All games are a go!

Winter Mini Leagues sign-ups are now live! Offering Volleyball AND Flag Football! Go to your Dashboard to register or learn more!

Reverse Co-ed Doubles

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October 14th

Time: 9:00 AM
Cash Prizes! Done by 4pm
One Male and One Female Per Team
$60 Entry Fee Per Team
Guaranteed 5 sets
Format: Group pool play followed by bracket play.
Cash Payout for winners of both divisions!
There will be a 10 foot line marked with a stretchy elastic thread.
The Male MAY NOT JUMP in front of and attack or block in front of the 10 foot line. You may contact the ball above the tape while standing in front of the 10 foot line, but it MUST have an upward trajectory. You may jump from behind the line and travel over to contact the ball. The male MAY NOT jump serve the ball.
The above rules supersede and take priority over any of the USAV rules below – this format is played in many different styles depending on location and skill level.
All other USAV Rules will be used for doubles:
Format may vary and be adjusted based on odd numbers/etc. to ensure everyone gets adequate play.

Need more info? Contact Aaron Szapa at 920-621-9372 or

Register at
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